Thursday, February 16, 2006

I hate that guy.

Has anybody else encountered The Annoying Waiter? You know the overly helpful, super-friendly, quick with a joke guy that acts like he's your best buddy from the moment that he takes your drink order.

Let me interrupt this post to assure everyone that this is not a slam against all waiters and waitresses. I know it is a thankless, often low paying job. I was a busboy at two different restaurants so I know the hellish days that wait staffs have to endure. Most servers are fantastic. Our waitress last night was perfect. She was friendly and attentive without being smothering. It was her neighbor in the adjacent section who was driving me nuts.

I watched The Annoying Waiter :

-Casually roll up to a table in a chair to check on his customers.
-While clearing an empty plate from one table, turn to another and say, "See ladies that's how it's done. No leftovers."
-Greet a booth filled by two women by tossing coasters onto the table from three feet away, plopping down on one of the benches and saying loudly, "I guess you guys are my next customers".
-And of course he was the one aggressively leading the happy birthday announcement and song in a restaurant that I always enjoyed because it was quiet and low-key. (Olive Garden)

As my wife correctly pointed out in so many words, I'm a knucklehead for letting something like this annoy me, especially when he wasn't even our waiter. But that's me, trying hard to sweat the small stuff that I have no control over.


  1. i cant believe you let that bother you....i never have this problem. you should have taken your drink glass and cracked it over his skull

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Worse than perky waiter is waiter who kneels down and wants to develop an instant relationship, including touching, with your young children. It is creepy, annoying and I want to scream at them to go away and stop talking to my children. Usually I just smile through my teeth and say something like....well we had better get back to our family time now...Sometimes they get the hint.

  3. Wandered over to your site from Killer's. I have to say that I encountered the most disturbing waitress this past weekend. She kept climbing into the booth with me and touching my arm every 10 seconds. I was ready to yank her hair out by the time she got up from taking our order and then she returned over and over, continued to sit and play touchy feely and completely ignored my other half sitting across from me - right up to the point where she handed him the check while looking at me. FREAK!
