Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Mailman Would Never Wager

In response to Robert's blog post regarding Postal Service betting I decided to ask my mailman what he thought:

"Well....You see Normie.....wagering of any kind by United States Postal employees is strictly prohibited by the Federal Mail Code Article 2, Section 5 and it would, uh, certainly be frowned upon".

So there you have it.


  1. Ask your mailman about Louie Rocco.
    I gotcher mailman swinging.

  2. Do you think that maybe we're to the point where a disclaimer is needed on behalf of the postal service?

  3. My mailman also said that a lady named Jagr still owes him twenty bucks.

  4. Through rain, sleet, snow and a little teasing........I think the good ol' USPS can take a little ridiculous ribbing.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    My mailbox got KO'd by a very angry someone 2 days ago and was lying in pieces all over the road so I....uh..think I had better refrain from talking about my disrepect...I mean letter carrier person.
