Monday, April 03, 2006

I'll Take One New Bladder To Go, Please

The ever-accelerating field of medical science continues to fascinate me. I just read this article about engineered organs that is really cool. Using a patient's own cells (taking organ rejection out of the equation) doctors are growing a new, properly functioning bladder. ( Perhaps Killer could put an order in for a larger one so our road trips didn't include such frequent stops.) I do find growing organs in petri dishes a little creepy, but I marvel at and applaud the advances we have made.


  1. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The outstandingly cool part that they isolate the patient's own healthy ADULT STEM cells to grow the bladder so there is no rejection!!! Score another one for God and science. Embryonic stem which are harvested by killing a human being have NEVER, EVER proven to be useful in any application and in fact have been implicated in several patient deaths. Hmmm...which treatment option should we be persuing....

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    What's to say we should be persuing one versus the other? Besides those who put their religious beliefs before everything else. Why can't we persue all possible avenues?

  3. I think the idea of going to the fridge to get new organs as I need them is a great idea. The fact that or own bodys are being used is good, I knew my body was good for something. As for the God aspect, I should save that for a blog of my own, but I will say that maybe the two are more related than we care to realize, religous person or not, perhaps in looking at the big picture we can see that God is the first and greatest scientist of them all, and we are supposedly made in his image so you could say that science is in our nature as human beings. I will say though that our scientist certainly have a few things wrong and maybe God should give them a tutoral.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Because kevin...even atheists have to have to have some moral bottom which you would not go below. The alternative is anarchy. If you want to include all options that would include kidnapping healthy people and killing them for their healthy organs just because you can. I am wondering if you would advocate that. What about sales. Would you sell Ben to someone if they paid you 50 million dollars so they could harvest his healthy heart for their sick baby? Would you assent by law to let other people do that? You can plainly see then that ALL options are not possible. So now we are talking about YOUR idea of all possible options. I believe that a conceived child is a live human being that nobody has a right to sell, kill, process, or dismember. Location of that baby, be it in the womb or it's crib makes no difference in the equation. By law, people may not kill babies born with infities, some of whom may be dependent on others for a lifetime of care. There is no difference between their dependency and that of a baby in a womb. In fact the baby in the womb will only be dependent on that biological mom for 9 months...
