Sunday, July 02, 2006

Faster Than A Speeding Bullet, More Powerful Than A Locomotive, More Boring Than...

A and I saw "Superman Returns" last night and I'd have to say it was good, but not great. To call it boring is unfair, although parts of it did drag. (It's never a good sign when you look at your watch during the movie.) Between Batman, Spiderman, the depressing X-Men and now Superman I'm a little weary of superhero angst. I know they are trying to keep these stories fresh, but at times this film played more like an episode of Desperate Superheroes than a summer blockbuster.

There was, however, plenty to love about it. It was, of course, visually spectacular and the action sequences were by far the best parts. The best move the filmmakers made was to keep John Williams' original theme. I think the style of the opening credits was lifted from the original, too; if not, they were still suitably '70s. And, ladies, A says that the actor that plays Superman is "hot". Kate Bosworth/Lois Lane was looking pretty hot herself.

The other thing I found interesting is that there is plenty of subtext in the movie that hints at the whole Superman is Jesus Christ connection that has always been talked about. If you are looking for it there are plenty of allusions to it in the movie. Although, I suppose you can read a lot into just about anything. As Ben Kenobi tells Luke, the truth depends on your point of view.

Anyway, I'd say if you're interested in checking it out, I would definitely see the movie on the big screen. There are a couple of scenes worth the effort. This one was pretty good, but I still would love to see Kevin Smith's vision for the character.

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