Monday, August 21, 2006

Proponents of Profiling Proudly Propose Preposterous Practices

Sorry about the title-I love alliteration.

I was reluctant to wade too deeply into the great terrorism debate, but it's time to hop off the sidelines. The profiling aspect, specifically, has me a little wound up. Things I've read in our blogosphere and elsewhere, in additon to things I've heard from TV "news" yappers have pushed me to action.

I'm fortunate, with my appearance traits, that I'm not usually a candidate for profiling by law enforcement. Unless, perhaps, the crime is -"Who ate the last donut?". Therefore, I've never had to suffer the indignity of being pulled over for DWB (Driving While Black) or been watched suspiciously for carrying a backpack onto a subway train.

It has been suggested that we must profile "Arab-looking" or "Muslim-looking" men. Let's break that idea down-

First, I'm not exactly sure what "Arab-looking" means. Not every Muslim looks like an extra from Lawrence of Arabia. And not every "Arab-looking" person is Muslim. I have one buddy who has dark skin and a full beard, but his ancestry makes him "whiter" than I am. I'm really not sure how you make the distinction between "Arab-looking" and "Not Arab-looking".

Secondly, once the distinction is made, how is the more thorough investigation carried out? It certainly can't be done discreetly in a crowded airport. Are we going to pull each suspect out of line? Will we have separate lines for Arab-looking suspects? I think specific targeting like this is tantamount to a return to segregation in some ways. Better not let any "Arab-looking" men sit at the lunch counter in the airport cafe, either.

Supporters of profiling peg political correctness as the reason we don't use it. While I do think we've gotten too PC as a nation, political correctness is not the issue here. Human decency is. I am dubious of those who say they would happily agree to be profiled or endure extra searching, scrutiny, etc. if they fit a particular suspicious profile. Who really wants to suffer the humiliation of being pulled aside because you look a certain way, even though you know you are completely innocent? I have a feeling when push comes to shove these folks would upset.

Finally, suppose we strip search every single "Arab-looking" guy to prove they are clean before boarding. Johnny Terrorist will just change gears and recruit redheaded teenage girls to carry out their plots. Terrorism is not an easy beat and I offer no better solution. But I know targeting a group of people based on the way they look is downright shameful.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    "But I know targeting a group of people based on the way they look is downright shameful."

    A statement that's worth repeating.
