Friday, September 08, 2006

Good At Football? Then You've Got No Worries, My Friend.

This story proves what a topsy-turvy world we inhabit; people's priorities are way out of whack. The Washington Post article isn't very long if you want to read it yourself, but I'll give you the short recap:

High school football star helps rob a Smoothie King of $463. (Allegedly.)

Whitman High School sends him home for remainder of last school year. The Whitman principal ( apparently the only sane person in this story) recommended expulsion, but was denied by an arbitrator.

Montgomery County, Md school officials allow him to switch to Wheaton High School in order to play football this season.

Wheaton coaches and players welcome him with open arms, naming him team captain.

Favorite line fom the article:Lazear said his ankle monitor is light enough that he hardly notices it when he plays, and it will not encumber him.

I know he is innocent until proven guilty, but shouldn't being arrested for armed robbery be enough to lose some privileges? How about some parenting? Where are the consequences for behaving badly? And we wonder why college athletes, and kids in general, have no respect for authority.


  1. I'll bet Jerry Jones and Al Davis have both tried calling this punk.

  2. I hope this incident doesn't ruin his chances of getting into Mensa.

  3. we've been talking about idiots like this for years...and the hits keep on coming. ankle bracelet doesnt encumber him...priceless.

  4. Behold! The power of the almighty football. The power of the pigskin is beyond comprehension. It is, afterall what Al-Queda fears the most!

  5. May the Power of Pigskin Compel You!
