Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hurtful? Yes. Lawsuit-Worthy? No Way.

I was angered, but not surprised, by Tucker Carlson's interview with Gloria Alred on his MSNBC show Monday afternoon. Alred is the attorney representing the two men insulted by actor Michael "Apparently I'm Only Funny As Kramer" Richards during his stand-up act 2+ weeks ago. Alred's clients are contemplating suing Richards for monetary damages. She suggested that the two men and Richards plead their case before a retired judge who would then make a recomendation to Alred on the viability of a lawsuit. What?

Look, I in no way endorse what Richards said or did. It was racist, indecent behavior that shouldn't happen. I'm sure the men were hurt, angered, disgusted, embarassed and humiliated. But somebody needs to explain to me, better than Miss Alred did, why these men deserve money. If they want to find Richards and punch him the mouth, I've got no beef with that. If they want to hang HIM upside down with a fork stuck up HIS ass, I'm fine with that, too. But, they do not deserve $$$. Miss Alred could not justify her stance in the face of Tucker's questioning. Perhaps, because there is no reasonable basis for a suit.

This case could be landmark, though. Maybe if somebody on the street calls me fat ass, I can track them down and sue them for damages. Oh wait, I have a better idea. Attention (soon to be former) friends and hockey buddies: I have decided that I was hurt everytime you insulted me by pointing out that I have a big nose. So be forewarned, if you ever called me Toucan, Noseboy, Pizza,Pizza (think about the Little Caesar's mascot) or Nose-tradamus, you will be hearing from my attorney. Paging Gloria Alred...


  1. Oh, and did you hear that the "Honorable" Jesse Jackson has taken up the cause and is demanding that people boycott Seinfeld! What a fucking joke this is! A large portion of black entertainment is way more degrading and immorral than this. I feel this whole issue has become more offensive than the initial tirade.

  2. I feel that whites should hit the streets and rally against this big, black oppression! Riots in the suburbs!

  3. Hey, where are the rest of my...retorts? Hehehe.

  4. Whts wrong? Do I make you sick when I speak? Hehehe.

  5. Do you think that maybe the Cos might have called Richards to talk about his act? Filth, Flarn, Flarn, Filth...

    ...MY MOP!!!
