Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mint-y Fresh

WooHoo! The US Mint is releasing new $1 coins with redesigned Presidents' heads. Mint Director Edmund C. Hoy, during the unveiling of the first four coins in the series, said "Having lettering on the edge gives each coin a very modern, kind of hip and cool look." Really? First of all, when have coins ever been hip and cool? Beyond having a pocketful of them, raise your hand if you give a damn about coins. Following the fabulous success of using Susan B. Anthony and Sacajawea to adorn coins, I can't believe these guys really think dollar coins will catch on now. In an era when people increasingly swipe their plastic for even tiny purchases, how "modern" is a coin? Except for the lemmings who wanted to inspect my change for new state quarters every time I purchased a canned soda, I don't see the appeal. But if you do find it appealing, grab your commemorative pleather 43 slot dollar coin holder and get all the hip and cool details here.


  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    My kids collect the quarters....hip and cool differs for different ages....can't wait to see you play "pretty pretty princess someday.....and oh yes...I will have a camera.

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Clearly YOU'RE not a numismatist.

    BTW, I'm collecting all the state quarters. I'm looking for both North Dakota and South Dakota, if you've got 'em.

  3. karen-Thanks for teaching me new word today.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Don't forget that it probably costs 25 cents for something that somebody will buy for a dollar and take out of circulation. That works out to a pretty nice profit for the govt. I just read they've earned about $5 billion on the quarters.

    Oh, and you can skip the 43 slot holder. It will be quite a while before you'll need it, since no former or living president can be honored on a coin. And assuming that we'll always have a president, the set will never be complete, or even up to date.
