Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

A quick shout out to Baby Jesus , the real Reason for the Season. But there are other reasons to love the season. Among them:

Holding mistletoe over inapproriate body parts and hoping for the best.

Hearing words that , while perhaps not distinctly Christmas-y, are rarely used other times of the year- yule log, good tidings, jingle, manger, frankincense.

Watching the Chinese dudes sing "Deck the Halls" in A Christmas Story. Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra- ra-ra!

Counting your blessings, which this year include:

-My smart, talented wife Amanda

-A dedicated support network of family and friends (Some of whom even read this blog). I appreciate you all very much.

-A new job.

-Amanda and I have reconnected with old friends (Elisa, Jody and Matt and their families) and made new ones (Angela and her boys).

May you all have a warm and happy Christmas day.


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    My thoughts exactly!!! We all have a lot to be thankful for and the boys and I are happy that you and Amanda are apart of our lives! Even though you are a Cowboys fan, we love you anyways!!! Merry Christmas! Angela

  2. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Holding mistletoe over inapproriate body parts and hoping for the best.

    Your mom just read that over my shoulder and shouted, (in my ear I may add...)

  3. Anonymous1:08 PM

    You still can't call anybody.
