Friday, July 11, 2008

No Trailer Trash Here.

I got a great surprise while at the movies today. The Star Wars: Clone Wars trailer played before Journey to the Center of the Earth. While fumbling with my 3-D glasses I noticed the twinkling Lucasfilm logo pop up on the screen. There really is something about seeing it on the giant screen. I have had my doubts about the cartoon (I loved the hand drawn Clone Wars animated series that briefly ran leading up to ROTS, but thought I would hate the new computer animated stuff.), however, it looks to be badass. I'm still not in love with the way the human characters look, but the creatures and especially the clone troopers look awesome. Unlike most Star Wars fans likely have, I had not yet seen the trailer online. Now I'm glad I hadn't because it gave me goosebumps like every Star Wars trailer or film has when watching it in the theater. Soaring John Williams music, the buzz and hiss of lightsabers,-ah, come on August 15th. Seeing the trailer almost made up for having to sit through Journey. I know there is a lot of summer left, but that has to be the most brainless movie of the year. If you haven't seen the Star Wars trailer, you can find two trailers here.

Also, Brent recently hipped me to the trailer for the new Bond film with the unfortunate title, Quantum of Solace. Loved Casino Royale; it was the perfect reboot to the series. I think the new one is out November 7th. See trailer here.


  1. The trailer definitely makes it look awesome doesn't it! The clones look flippin awesome. Felix is way amped. I'm taking him to TRU's midnight madness toy release event. He's outta control!

  2. Anonymous12:56 PM

    When Bond comes over the hill and the logo pops up...SWEET!!!

    I'll be taking the boys to go see somehting this weekend I'm sure, so I've got a good shot at seeing the Star Wars trailer. I'm curious about the X files too...
