Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain's speech wazzzzz...

Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my pillow. Being a dynamic speaker does not make you a good president and failing to be a great speaker does not disqualify you from being president. But damn.

The one thing he did effectively was carefully separate himself from the failures of the last eight years. We'll see if he can make that stick.


  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    It definitely appealed to the center more than last night's speaches did, but that's not saying much. Give me details about what he's going to do, and specifically how. All he gave was a bunch of rhetoric about country first.

  2. And see, I thought he did give some good specifics. It wasn't a policy speech, for sure, but I did feel like Sen. McCain addressed issues.

    I didn't find the speech such a snooze-fest, either. Perhaps because I was listening to it and not watching on television? I dunno.

  3. And it wasn't even well written rhetoric. He would have at least scored some points if it had been a little poetic. By the way, I was dissapointed by the lack of "poetry" in Obama's speech as well. Obama was certainly more specific on the hows and the whys, but his speech lacked the imagination and inspiring qualities of many of his other speeches.
