Saturday, October 11, 2008


Okay, so that's probably not how the Capitals wanted to begin their expectations-laden regular season. Was last night's 7-4 slopfest of a loss in Atlanta a stunning example of the two major offseason concerns this team has (questionable goaltending and deciding not to sign a another top 4 defenseman)? Or was it simply a hiccup or clunker that gets thrown in from time to time, this one just happened to be opening night? I'm going with the latter. Expect good times to resume tonight with a packed Verizon Center Rocking the Red.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    yeah, that was disappointing. not to mention that I haven't mastered the DVR on our new cable box, so I zipped from the first intermission (watching recorded) to the beginning of the second period (live) to see they would make that mark with a 4-4 tie. and then again 1/2 way through the 3rd period, I zipped to 'live' and it was 7-4... I didn't bother watching the minutes in between.

    are you going downtown tonight? I'd consider it, possibly to snag extra seats, else to throw down with the hordes at the Turtle.

  2. I will not be heading downtown tonight. I have family visiting. The season is young, however.
