Thursday, May 07, 2009

Father of the Year.

Like most parents do with their own kids, I sing silly songs to Grace all the time. Sometimes I make up lyrics and a tune, but since I really have little to no musical talent, I usually sing goofy new lyrics to existing tunes. Lately I've noticed an alarming tendency to sing clean lyrics to the tune of dirty songs that would never ever be appropriate to sing to my six month old daughter.

Examples:when making her bottle- Oh, me so hungry. Oh, oh me so hungry. Me eat for long time.

While she's really jumping in her bouncy seat-She's a very bouncy girl, who really loves her mama. She's Super Grace, Super Grace, She's Super Gracie.

Please, no one call Child Protective Services.


  1. oh...... love it, dude! been there before, but never put those tunes into play... i'm still chuckling out loud... thanks for the belly laugh.

    btw, don't feel bad, "Take me out the to the ballgame" was the only tune that i could ever think of to sing to B when he was a baby.

  2. take me out to the ballgame (regular version and with my lyrics) has gotten a lot of airplay here too

  3. awesome. I, on the other hand, keep coming up with offensive lyrics to go with the kid music. luckily, I keep most of these lyrics in my head and haven't blurted them out.

  4. If only you listened to gangster rap or Norwegian Death Metal.

    You're like the Weird Al of kids songs.

    I'm with Wolske on soiling the kids tunes. I'm always coming up with bad lyrics to the stuff they have on Noggin. When it comes to singin' to the kids though, I've always worked with original materials.

  5. hey, thought of this post this morning while getting the boys ready, and had to comment

    so, C and I have been on vacation and today was our first day back on our normal routine...

    {interior: kitchen, both boys at table eating cereal}

    A: I want juice, Daddy... Pleazzzzze

    B: Me too, Daddy... not the orange juice in the fridge, the (unopened) grape juice in the cupboard... I like warm juice...

    A: I want the cold juice... orange juice.. I like the cold juice.. the cold juice, Daddy, the cold juice..

    ME: OK, OK... I know.... warm juice for you, and know it goes into the fridge... and cold juice for you, yes, the cold juice...

    "It's Cold Juice Time Again!... You know always win... It's Cold Juice Time Again!..."

    OK... so, in my house I'm the only one who got that, and the kids just think I was laughing because I was making up a silly little juice song... but I was laughing at myself, and then laughed even harder as it reminded me of your blog post.

  6. nothing like a KISS reference at breakfast. I hope if one of them spilled their juice you would tell them to "Lick It Up"
