Monday, March 01, 2010

If You Click It More Than Once, You're Playing With It.

I don't make it a habit to know what others are doing in public restrooms; I'm a silently stare at the wall above the urinal kind of guy. Rarer still would be me commenting on what others do in a public restroom, but yesterday I heard something that brought questions to mind. While at the urinal, I heard the distinct click-clacks and beeps of the gentleman in the stall beside me firing off some text messages. I assume he was texting. I suppose he could be some sort of cyborg with a robot appendage that clicked and beeped as he pleasured himself (which, given the volume of unwrapped magazines we find in the bookstore bathroom, appears to be an all too frequent occurrence.) For my sanity's sake I will assume he was merely texting.

So, the question is- Do you multi-task by making and taking calls and/or text messages while in the john? Because if I am forced to use a public restroom for a sit-down, and believe me that occurs only in the most dire circumstance, I can assure you that I'm not lingering to send out some LOLs. The germophobe and technophobe in me can't think of anything that couldn't wait until I was finished. Does this make me an old fuddy-duddy? Has "instant" messaging become so pervasive that there is no sanctuary from communication? Or have I simply missed the boat and not realized he was texting on the newest social networking platform Shitter Twitter?


  1. Seriously, you need to patent that. (Shitter Twitter)

    This morning, my DH stayed on a phone call while he used the bathroom and then while he took a shower. I wish I were just joking, but he did not disconnect that phone call until he had to pull a clean shirt over his head. The phone never leaves his ear.

  2. Being naturally suspicious I would say his wife/significant other was with him at the store and he just HAD to text his OTHER girlfriend and the John was the only place she wouldn't suspect anything...

  3. I must say I'm surprised you haven't encountered the text on the john scenario before. Ok--do you want a far-fetched answer that can only be true for some, but when true--very true?...yes, multi-tasking seems to be on the rise. but you know what else is? irritable bowel syndrom. I kid you not. and texting, like reading, relaxes the brain and well, other things. which a lot of people actually need and dont always have a book handy. i hope you appreciated this possibly too-much-information info! i enjoy your posts, i'll follow you! perhaps you'll follow me too!
