Sunday, February 13, 2011

"That's a Man, Baby"

For whatever reasons, perhaps getting older or maybe deciding what lessons I can teach my kid, I've been thinking a bit about knowledge and how it is acquired. Thinking experience is our greatest teacher I started compiling a list. Not a bucket list or a list of things that "make you a man" or even a list of things that I want to do. For instance, I've caught a fish, think it's pretty handy to know how to catch a fish, but I don't like to go fishing. Simply a list of things I think a guy my age ought to have learned or done by now. I haven't done them all, nor do I want to. Here's my incomplete list in no particular order, please add you own items if you'd like:

Learn how to throw a curveball.

Change the oil in your car.

Fire a gun.

Get in a fist fight. (One in which something, even if only your pride, is truly in peril.)

Grow something. (A garden. A tree. Your own special blend of hydroponic wonder grass. Sea Monkeys. Something.)

Set something on fire just to "see what happens".

Own a dog.


Drive a stick shift.

Build something besides a mammoth sandwich.

Build a mammoth sandwich.

Sit in a major league ballpark on Opening Day.

To be continued...


  1. Wow, didn't realize that you led such a sheltered life.Gee wiz.

    Sounds like you and I are in similar places in our lives.

    Currently, I am teaching myself algebra...will master mathematics.

  2. @ Robo....we miss the hell outa you guys.

    @ B....I remember the toilet paper incident. No more fires for you.
