Thursday, February 02, 2006

One for the thumb?

It doesn't even seem like it's Super Bowl Week to me. Maybe it's because the championship games stunk. Maybe it's because the Steelers and Seahawks are a couple of boring teams. Maybe it's because ESPN and every other sports outlet are beating it to death and I've tuned out almost completely.

That being said, it is the Super Bowl so I wanted to point out a couple of things and make my pick. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?

-The only bit of "excitement" this week has been the over-hyped war of words completely manufactured by Joey Porter. Why this non-news leads Sportscenter is beyond me. I bet half of you can't even tell me which team Porter plays for. This wind bag needs to stow the trash talk and play football.

-This stupid tidbit has been talked about in many other places, but I thought it was dumb enough to repeat. In the never-ending quest to find inane trivia somebody figured out that this is the first Super Bowl where both coaches have moustaches. Awesome.

-I'm going to scream if I hear "Detroit Rock City" played one more time in relation to the big game. It's a great song, but my god, every show plays it every time they cut to Detroit. Are their no other songs about Detroit? There has to be some ballad about burning cars or drive-by shootings out there somewhere. Do me a favor; find it and play it instead of the KISS song for the billionth time.(Yes Killer, I counted.)

Anyway, onto the pick. Two strong(but boring) teams should play a close one. Whether it's a big catch or a crushing block, I think the under-rated Hines Ward will make a huge play that puts the Steelers over the top. Bill Cowher and his porn 'stache bring the Steel City ring number five (Only tying America's Team, by the way).

Steelers 23-Seahawks 17

Hey, did you guys know Jerome Bettis is from Detroit?

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