Thursday, February 02, 2006

The State of the Union is.....Boring

I know I am a few days late on this, but I'd like to share a few brief thoughts on The Prez's speech.

-It was good to see The Bush Smirk was in full effect. I don't know if it is smug, defiant or just plain unnerving.

-I thought the Democrats were awfully disrespectful with their sarcastic cheer for not passing Social Security reform. This seemed out of place even in these contentious times. I half expected that side of the chamber to break out with a mocking, Daryl Strawberry-like taunt. " Duuuubbyaa, Duuuubbya, Duuuubbya " Love him or hate him, he is still the President and deserves at least a little respect.

-Sometimes I like to watch these speeches for presentation not content; I take the political affiliation out of it and judge it on the speech itself. This one, to me was rehashed and just plain boring. Tom Shales (a TV critic, not a political analyst) had some of the same thoughts on the address.

1 comment:

  1. It's gotten to the point where the only thing worse than a pompus republican is a overzealous democrat. They are both worthless if you ask me. I'm sure I'll post on the matter eventually. You're right B, even if he's wrong he is the president...tactfully degrade him, don't embarrass yourselve's in such a way to make him seem any righter than he is or isn't. Is there no shame?
