Saturday, March 11, 2006

Rest in Peace? Not If They Have Anything To Say About It.

I had seen news stories about the Westboro Baptist Church protesting soldiers' funerals before, but a news story this morning made me take a closer look. This Kansas group, spewing hateful words in the name of Christianity, is despicable. Basically they say soldiers' deaths and even 9/11 are payback from God because America is decaying morally(specifically by embracing homosexuality).

A sample of the signs you might see at their protests outside soldiers' funerals:
"Thank God for Dead Soldiers"
"Thank God for IEDs"
"Pope in Hell"
"America is Doomed"

Classy, huh? Now, I've got a lot of problems with these cranks, but my main beef is that they are doing this at the soldiers' funerals. The families have the right to grieve peacefully and lay their loved ones to rest without having to hear and see this crap. No matter what your beliefs are regarding the war in Iraq, the US military and America in general, I think we can all agree that these soldiers earn our support in life and deserve our respect in death for giving their lives in service to our country. (As a side note, I have always been grateful to those who serve voluntarily, in wartime and peace, so that I don't have to.)

Secondly, I can't stand the way these Kansas assholes use religion as a reason to be hateful and intolerant. One blogger I read said it simply and quite correctly when they called them a religious group masquerading as a hate group. I know surveying my family and friends that I would find quite a range of opinions on religion and, likely, on homosexuality. I imagine my beliefs fall somewhere in the middle of that scale. (For the record, I consider myself more religious and faithful than my church attendance record would indicate and it doesn't bother me one bit if someone is gay.) Anyway, my rant is losing steam. I just want to say that I don't think the loving, caring God I believe in really wants to kill young soldiers just because America is morally corrupt or whatever these Westboro Baptists are saying. If you are even remotely interested in this please click the link and then play the video that accompanies the news story so that you can get a feel for these nutjobs.


  1. It really makes me sad to see this.This is what kills organized religion...when people use it as a means to support their veiw hiding behind their true intentions.If you hate fags...hate fags, but don't say God told you to hate fags. They know what they are doing, they know what their agenda is and they don't have the balls to say it's because I hate fags, however they have the balls to do what it is they are doing. WTF ever!
    You know congress should pass a law allowing them to be able to have their sick little protests so long as each member of the funeral procession gets to whack each of these nutjobs with a shalaleigh(sp?)! If God is truly on their sides it shouldn't hurt them a bit!

  2. lets not forget that they preach about their freedom of religion and freedom of speech, yet they lash out at the very people (soldier's) that protect that right. and let us not forget Jule's words from Pulp Fiction: "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." this is what someone needs to say to these retards and then follow through...say what again, SAY WHAT AGAIN!! oh hell yeah

  3. unfortunately this is the kind of abuse that we have to tolerate in order to maintain Freedom of Speech. these wackos, Larry Flynt, Andrew "Dice" Clay, CBS News... it's the price America pays.

    these people ought to be ashamed of what they are doing, and if there is any justice in the universe, they will be dealt with justly in the afterlife.

    of course, the scary thing is that they might be right, and God might be on their side, and this might get them into heaven. such is the nature of interpreting sacred texts -- I guess we'll never be entirely sure until we are up for judgement. which is why buddists are smart -- they try to cover all the spiritual bases, diversifying their spiritual portfolio if you will. of course, I don't know buddism very well, but that's what I've heard.


  4. Anonymous4:26 PM

    You are right Bryan. After the passion, death and resurrection of Christ we had a new covenant and God no longer punishes nations for the sins of the individual. I am going to a four day mission in my Church this week and the priest is incredible. He said that God gives a free will so we have a choice whether or not to follow him. There is no love without a choice. Forced love isn't really love is it. That is why you don't stop suffering just because you are a Christian. If it was that easy then everyone would claim to be a Christian and it would be a business deal and not love.
    As for homosexuality. Timothy Chapter 1 clearly states that practiciing homosexuality is a sin. But if you think about it we are all sinners that need conversion and redemption. I love what our Msgr says: ALWAYS love the sinner and hate the sin.

  5. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Whoa there fella: I don't know that I would get my religious training from "Pulp Fiction" Sounds too much like a bizzaro combo of someone's idea of Christianity combined with a big heapin of the Koran slathered in Hollywood talk.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Aunt Mary, actually that post of Killer's--in the movie Pulp Fiction the character quoted "Ezekiel 25:17" and that is the quote that he posted, although it's not like that in any version that I've seen. I can't speak for Killer, but I think his posting that was a JOKE.

  7. These hatemongers will be demonstrating in Seaford this weekend somewhere around the funeral of Corey Palmer. There are other "counter-demonstrations" planned. Check out if you want more information.
