Saturday, March 18, 2006

This Is How Much I Love My Wife...

I love my wife so much that I, despite my better judgment, the 40 degree temps and howling winds, I stood in line outside with her for 35 minutes today. What for, you ask? Was it for concert tickets? A movie opening, perhaps? No, we joined the legion of morons standing in line to buy ice cream at the Grand Opening of the Coldstone Creamery in Salisbury. Amanda heard the ice cream was great and I'm always game for a sundae, so we rode up there to investigate. I wanted to make a u-turn as soon as I saw the line extending into the parking lot, but Amanda (whose patience is exponentially greater than mine) convinced me to stay. I couldn't believe how long the line was. I doubt the grand opening of a library or a museum would have attracted so much attention. So yes, in the time it took us to make our way through the line to place our order we COULD HAVE DRIVEN TO THE COLDSTONE CREAMERY IN OCEAN CITY and gotten our ice cream there.

But, surely Bryan, it was worth the wait wasn't it? After all, Coldstone Creamery has the greatest ice cream in all the land.

Riiiiiiiight. The fine folks at Coldstone could have won me over had the product lived up to advance billing. Alas, it did not. We had two different people make our cones(or waffle bowls or whatever the heck they call them), so we compared notes when we got to the register. Even though we ordered the same size, Amanda had at least twice as much ice cream as I did. (And it wasn't like she was overloaded, mine was woefully inadequate. ) But, like Killer likes to point out, society has become more accepting of incompetence so I kept my mouth shut. (My gut won't exactly miss the extra scoop anyway.) Then came the cherry-on-top of our trip: The total bill, even with our promotional buy one, get one free coupon, was $7.07. Which means one of two things-either the cashier didn't apply the discount properly or I PAID $7 FOR AN ICE CREAM CONE!

Finally, I would like to say that I am very fortunate that my life is going so well that this is the kind of thing that I bitch about. I know many people have real problems. I may in fact be the world's youngest curmudgeon. I simply wanted to point out that today I was King of the Morons.


  1. You should've opted for the 5 dollar shake.... Martin and Lewis.

  2. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Rest are not the youngest curmudgeon. That would be Tom (last name withheld to protect his lovely family) Nice guy but I knew he was a curmudgeon when I first met him in his early twenties and he owned and wore daily a Mr. Rodgers sweater....without the accompanying happy attitude. And yes. you paid 7 dollars for ice cream. Very sad.

  3. you're a complete coulda gone to the store and gotten two pints of ben and jerry's for about that. and i'm almost positive ben and jerrys tastes better than this over hyped garbage.

  4. you're a good husband. if that makes you a retard, well, that's just the way it goes.

    I would have questioned the $7 -- no need to get hostile, but no need to be taken advantage of either.

    "---damn, this is pretty fu**ing good icecream. I don't know if it's worth seven dollars, but it's pretty fu**ing good." Bryan Vega

  5. I hope that you braved the cold to get some Rita's today! They do open on the first day of spring rigth? And it's FREE!

    Coldstone is creamy and rich and you have to be rich to enjoy it...mostly it's overrtated though...stick with Rita's!

  6. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I don't know that I can relate to a $7 ice cream cone. Then again, I have probably spent my share of money on other useless crap. And if I've had a $7 cone, someone else paid for it.

    Nice to hear you did the right thing man. Sorry about the coupon.

    *feeling guilty about that and trying not to feel like I had anything to do with that*

    I love your wife too ... but DAMN ... $7?! Her ass would have been out of luck with me. ;-)

    *cracking up at Killer's comment about Ben and Jerry*

  7. Anonymous9:00 PM

    At least now I won't have to go to find out it wasn't up to the hype. Imagine how many bad meals a food critic must suffer through.

  8. maybe the crew at the new store needs some time to get things right... we have several coldstones here in Vegas, and man are they good!! Do the employees sing when someone gives them a tip? I guess paying $7, people wouldn't be giving tips, I'll have to check out the pricing here (it's been a while since I had coldstone..) My honest opinion is that it is very good ice cream.
