Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Go, Kings(or Preds or Panthers), Go!

Saw an interesting tidbit reported in the Toronto Globe and Mail regarding putting a second NHL franchise in Toronto. Apparently, this is in the very early discussion stages among NHL governors. Personally, I think it would be kind of cool, though I suppose I really don't care one way or another seeing as how I don't live anywhere near Toronto. If it happens I would prefer that an existing, struggling franchise moved as opposed to an expansion team being awarded. I think the NHL has enough teams and revenue issues without worrying about expansion. Sheesh, if Los Angeles can have two teams and the New York area three, why not put another team in a real hockey city?


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    first reaction -- absolutely. though I think a new team would be better than a relocation. I think locals would have a hard time rallying around Kings, Preds, Panthers, etc.

    a new team would symbolize Upstart Hockey vs. Entrenched Hockey Dynasty. like Mets against the mighty Yankees. people who love hockey and are fed up with the Leafs would migrate instantly, setting up a rivalry that would beat almost any other. Maybe just bring up an existing junior club, like Oshawa or Peterborough? in the CFL, there was the T.O. Argonauts and the Hamilton Tiger Cats (nearby, but clearly not Toronto).. Oshawa may not be big enough to support an NHL team, but if it's the Eastern GTA (Greater Toronto Area) that might work. Also maybe north of town in Newmarket or something... heck, the New York Jets are in New Jersey, right? Go ahead, call Oshawa or Hamilton "Toronto"...

    dude, I'm excited, from 500 miles away!

  2. I see your point about expansion vs. existing-makes sense. As far as instant rivalry, I think it's cool that, unlike Mets-Yankees or Giants-Jets, because the NHL is arranged solely geographically that the teams would play often and in the same division.

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    put em in thunder bay!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:23 PM

    agreed. are we filling the 'phone booth' yet? any chance of a Northern Virginia "DC" team?

    I joked about trying to get junior/minor hockey into Montgomery County -- think this might get some life with the Ovechkin revolution?

    btw, what's up with your fantasy team? Toucans got Ovie, and are in the TANK. lol...

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    It's a little off topic, but it least it's about hockey. From Bill Simmons:

    I thought about buying the NHL Package on DirecTV last week so I could have breakup sex with the Bruins for a year. The cost? $169! Really, Gary? That's how you treat your "mostly blue-collar fans who can't afford good seats for games anymore," the ones you've already insulted 300 times over? I continue to think Stern planted Bettman to sabotage the NHL, and no one can tell me different.

  6. Kevin-I have said that for many years-I'm convinced Bettman was sent to do harm. Either he is in on it or just incompetent, not sure which.
