Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meet Grace.

When I was a kid my dad used to joke that whenever we went on a trip-family vacation, visiting relatives,etc- that we would always return home with more stuff than we left with. This was never more true for me than this past Tuesday when I slowly pulled away from the hospital with my most precious cargo ever-my beautiful newborn daughter, Grace Catherine. That's right, she decided to bless us with her arrival about three weeks earlier than the docs predicted. This has made for an exciting, unpredictable week to say the least. I'm pleased to announce that Amanda was a delivery all-star and that she and baby are healthy and happy.

Grace weighed in at a healthy 6 lbs, 6 oz and 19.5 inches. She does, however, have one small issue. She was born with a partially cleft palate; there is a small gap in the soft palate/roof of her mouth. This will require a surgical correction down the road but, fortunately, at this time it causes no major problems. We feel that if this is the worst thing that happened, we are in great shape. Otherwise, we are settling in to the happy transition at home complete with lack of sleep and dirty diapers. I wouldn't change it for anything.

Some of you may be interested in how we finally settled, after months of indecision, on the name Grace Catherine. We had narrowed the list to three-Grace Catherine(Amanda's grandmother's name), Sydney Grace (probably our favorite throughout the pregnancy) and Phoebe Grace(a late entry that didn't even make it on the baby shower Wheel O' Names). For me the tie was broken by our awesome labor and delivery nurse. She was knowledgable, helpful, caring and had a great bedside manner. She refused to take her lunch break even when they offered to cover her late in her shift. She was a blessing who we could not have done without. Her name? Catherine, of course.

A few other observations from my first week as a new dad:

*Before becoming a father I would have never guessed that I would be so happy/relieved to receive a text message that read, "We have poo and pee!".
*There may be nothing sweeter in this world than the soft sigh your daughter emits as she passes out after a breast milk bender.
*If NASA used that tarry, meconium poo to attach the Space Shuttle's heat shield they would never have to worry about tiles flying off during takeoff.
*My wife's Medela breast pump is either the coolest or scariest device I've ever seen, I can't decide which. I'm convinced Medela is Latin for "robot farmer".
*When trying to sing my daughter to sleep I realized how few songs to which I actually know the words. I'm not a huge music fan and it shows. I'm happy to report that Grace was soothed by my outstanding rendition of "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers. Good thing I know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Dude congrats you really need to write a book ive never laughed so hard at some of the things ouve written the blogs and pictures to come im sure will be priceless send my love to amanda and congrats im sure you'll be wonderful parents.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Yay yay yay! So happy for you guys, and I love the name you settled on. Glad to hear that everything worked out so well and everyone is good. It's amazing how we're fascinated by poo and pee, no? We couldn't leave the hospital until J peed, which she didn't do until she was 30 hrs old or so. We were all waiting and then DELIGHTED when she did it, diaperless, all over daddy's shorts. Welcome to fatherhood. And the happiest of birthdays to you!

  4. That's awesome stuff!

    Also, I'm glad that I'm not the only who had trouble with song lyrics. When B had trouble sleeping, I found that singing helped, but one night all that came to mind was 'Take me out to the ballgame', there were nights that I must have sang that song at least two dozen times in a row.

  5. Congrats to you both! She's beautiful.

    What day was she born?

    From experience, the poop talk is only just beginning.

    Kiss those little tiny baby toes for me - nothing in the world better than little baby feet.

  6. Awesome!!!! That is one good looking baby man. Thank god she looks like Amanda. lol

    Just kidding...

    Im glad to hear everything worked out. Babies are amazing and you have some of the best times to look forward to now in your life.

    Congrats big guy.

    We will have to get together soon. Get up with me when you can.

  7. What a beautiful baby! I am so happy for you both! How is Amanda feeling with recovery time?
