Saturday, October 25, 2008

Irony Alert

I just heard John McCain accuse Barack Obama of "saying anything to get elected". That's f-ing hilarious. And he said it with a straight face. How about checking out the man in the mirror John "I've Abandoned Everything I Used To Stand For" McCain.


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Lets discuss our two wants to take money from the wealthy and "spread the wealth more evenly" to 45% of the taxpayers in this country who don't even pay taxes and the other basically wants to give families $5,000 per year for health care (which oh by the way costs at least $12,000). Hmmm...maybe its me and I'm a poor sport, but I'm not happy with either. I will state quite emphatically that I am really disgusted with the O'Bama campaign and the bill of goods he is trying to sell this country. It is incredibly sad to sell our country a bill of goods that you will NEVER be able to deliver and oh by the way have changed (during your campaign) your opinions on. At least McCain is honest. You might not like who is running mate (Barbie) is, but lets be real - that's a marketing ploy, but at least when it comes down to the issues he knows them, has for years, and at least has worked with his peers (Senate and Congress) for 20+ years. At least he has REALLY REACHED ACROSS THE ISLE to get things done and tried to get things done. If Palin would quit using the word Maverick (I'm so over that) and explain the numerous ways that McCain has really called many many people on the carpet (which he is seriously notorious for), I think people would get the true story. Plus, I generally feel that the 50+% I pay in taxes now, plus all the times I given money to people I know and don't know, and the fact that I can at least control where my dollars are going instead of paying federal employees to do this for me under the OBama lets screw the small business person plan is at my discretion. The thought of paying anymore welfare mom's to stay home and have another baby on a defunct program that will surely continue to poison our school system and add burdens there is horrible, especially when a portion of the 50+% in taxes I am paying now already goes to those families. How about the lets get out a work plan, throw the wealthy jerks on wall-street who governed all the loans that were made to people who couldn't afford them and oh by the way drive up real estate prices so that people can"t afford reasonable homes on reasonable salaries at reasonable prices plan? If these are our two choices, then I hate to say it but I don't think OBama has the guts to manage our existing war let alone other conflicts that may arise, stand up to the wallstreet jerks who NEED to go to jail, and stand up to Congress and Senate. At least McCain has been effective in his carrer. You might not like all the outcomes, but at least he has been effective. Popularity and good ideas do not equal effectiveness - especially in Washington DC.

  2. anonymous- I am a fan of neither candidate truthfully. I am a registered Republican who leans conservative, yet I can not bring myself to vote for McCain. I voted for him in the 2000 primary in which he was savaged by Bush, Rove, etc. And herein lies my problem. McCain has hired some of the same people from the Republican hit machine that tastlessly destroyed him in 2000. He made nice with Jerry Falwell, even going to speak at Liberty University. I respected him for his (yes the word has been trivialized) maverick past but now he's just throwing everything against the wall and hopes something will stick. He's co-opted Obama's change message, he's running from Bush after spending the primary season kissing his ass and after arguing long and loud about Obama's lack of experience he selects Palin. Give me a break. These are all acts of a desparate man who sees his last chance at the Oval Office slipping away. Country First, my ass. I'm not arguing policy here, I'm simply disgusted with the verbal garbage from the McCain campaign. Though, there is one policy stance I'll discuss. I've never thought of myself as a one issue voter, but I decided long ago that I wouldn't vote for McCain simply because of his views on the war in Iraq. This is not to say I'm voting for Obama because I would have serious trouble reaching for that lever too. To steal your phrase-I think both of them are trying to sell a bill of goods. That's what politicians do, right?

  3. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Guess i'll jump in here.

    "..45% of the taxpayers in this country who don't even pay taxes.."

    Really? The majority of those people that opponents keep talking about "not paying taxes" have jobs. Jobs in which they pay Federal, State, Medicare, FDIC, etc taxes. That is where they get that idea of helping people with their tax burden.

    "...$5000 for healthcare.." Yea, that is a misleading statement. Benefits would be taxed, thus lowering the effectiveness of the credit. And the thing about credits is you still have to pay the money up front. You just get to deduct it from your taxes at the end of the year. Not a big help if you dont have the money to begin with.

    Obama gave a speech 18 years ago at a college where he was invited to speak. This was when he was a law student at Harvard. Everything he said in that speech conincides with his views today and the message he has been putting forth in his campaign. Changing your mind on an issue when new information is presented to you is not a is an asset. An asset the current administration hasnt had the past 8 years.

    McCain does not know the issues. Still cant use a computer. Admitted the economy was a weakness. Was involved in a scandal in the 80's that directly connects to the current problems we are facing. Has never been poor or known what that feels like. Has worked across the aisle on occasion, but not as much as his press people want you to believe.

    His biggest asset according to him is his dedication to the military and military issues, with him even saying "I received the highest award from literally every veteran's organization in America."

    Sounds good...but really?

    Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America - Grade D (Obama B+)
    Disabled Veterans of America - 20% (Obama 80%)
    Vietnam Veterans of America - McCain voted against us 15 times (Obama only once)

    But, hey, Mccain is honest..right?

    He also voted against the new GI Bill, siding with the White House, which had broad bipartisan support and was passed overwhelmingly. 3 senators missed the vote...

    Tom Coburn was at a funeral
    Ted Kennedy was in the hospital
    John McCain was at a fundraiser in Hollywood.

    John McCain lost my support when he swore to run an honorable campaign and raise the public discourse in America with his campaign, then turned around and started running one of the most negative campaigns in history, insinuating that his opponent was UnAmerican and secretly Muslim. Being Muslim does not make you UnAmerican. Then he hires the same people that smeared him in 2000 to run his operations in several states. Integrity? Really?

    Then he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate, to try and win the newscycles and step on the bounce the Obama campaign was going to get out of the DNC. Good short term goal...bad long term one.

    And that has been the problem with his campaign. Its always short term goals instead of long term ones. And the way you run your campaign says a lot about the way you will govern.

    And that is not the way to govern in this day and age....

    Republican turned Independent BTW...

  4. The only part of the War in Iraq that should matter is the end game. Regardless on your feelings on how we got there...we are there. That being said, it almost over and the troops are coming home.

    In this election, the things that I can't stomach are the plans to take away our personal freedoms. The seizure of pensions and retirements for the "collective good." An attempt to take away the right to bear arms. The attempt to take away free speach. The raising of taxes and attempt to kill small business.

    The choice is simple. Personal freedoms on one side. Large govt. dictating our lives on the other.

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Yeah, because the current administration hasn't taken away ANY of our personal freedoms...

  6. Since the invent of the CIA, the Govt. has from time to time monitored/spied on us. I am not saying its right. I think Govt. involvement in our lives is a horrible thing. I do feel, however, Bush shouldn't take the heat for decades of Govt. policy.

  7. Anonymous8:34 PM

    the Bush administration and personal freedoms:

    oh, and "mr/mrs. verbosity" up there -- if you got that much to say, say it on your own blog. or at least have the courage to put your name with your comments.
