Monday, October 27, 2008

Is It November 5th Yet?

Joe the Plumber. Terrorist Pals. Hypnosis. Pit Bull. Hockey Mom. Out of Touch. Amtrak. $150,000 on Clothes. Change We Can Believe In. No, I'm For Change. Bridge To Nowhere. McBush. False Birth Certificates. Celebrity. Ladies and Gentlemen. War Hero. Reverend Wright. ACORN. Drill, Baby, Drill. Country First. Hussein. Maverick. Flag Pin. Old Man Yells at Cloud. You Betcha.

I am so sick of the unprecedented (seems that way to me) kitchen sink, throw-it-against-the-wall-to-see-what-sticks "messaging" that both candidates and their suurogates are employing. Maybe I'm just suffering from 24 hour coverage overload. Either way, I'm thinking of breaking out the DVDs and enjoying a West Wing marathon on election night. This year a fictional president may be our only hope.


  1. You forgot "My friends." You're right though, for better or worse, next week can't get here soon enough. Here's to hoping that in eight days the name Sarah Palin disappears into obscurity.

  2. Jon and I are pretty much over it all. We have already voted (yay for early voting in Nevada!) and would simply love to opt out of all political news and advertisements. Oh well, just one more week.

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Wall Street vs. Main Street. What about all of us cul-de-sac dwellers?!?!?!?
