Monday, November 17, 2008

Adventures In Babysitting

Amanda went to the Redskins-Cowboys game last night so I got my first crack at caring for Grace alone for a long period of time. Until last night I don't think Amanda had been out without Grace for longer than an hour or two. She deserved the break, but I was a little nervous to fly solo for that long. Fortunately, there was no real adventure; Grace and I enjoyed a rather uneventful, fun evening together. In fact, Mommy may have been at the game, but, as the picture shows, Grace and I got to play dress-up for the game. I think I got the better end of the bargain.


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    curses! that's why the skins lost.

    Amanda, you've got to put a stop to this... send Bryan to the games from now on! We've got a Redskins cheerleader outfit that will fit Grace in just a few months...

  2. Grace has lots of redskins onesies, but since I was home i got to dress her. In fact, the photo I posted a few posts back is my favorite photot of Grace despite the fact she is wearing redskins garb.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Yup, it is all B's fault for putting my daughter in that dreaded Cowboys onesie!

    I've got a little Redskins cheerleader outfit for Grace that will fit her soon too, don't you worry.

  4. i think you both need to get over it and put an eagles outfit on the poor child!!

  5. We've got an 18month Caps hooded onesie she can have when she's old enough... it has an eagle on it.
