Thursday, November 13, 2008

Grab Bag

Busy days and sleep deprivation have kept me from piecing together enough coherent thoughts to write a lengthy post, but I do have a few unrelated, passing thoughts:

*Z and I have revived a game I hadn't played since I was a kid-PunchBuggy. We play virtually every time we are in the car. It has surprised me just how many of the newer Beetles there are on the road.

*I saw a funny license plate on a giant SUV yesterday. I wonder how many kids the "MOMVOY" was toting.

*I love to eat. I love to eat breakfast. I love to eat Chick-Fil-A breakfast. The other day I had a Chicken, Egg and Cheese Bagel sandwich. Which begs the question-When preparing this sandwich which do they place on the bagel first, the chicken or the egg?

*Cliche Alert! In a move akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or putting lipstick on a pig (please don't lecture me Sen. McCain), the Orioles unveiled new uniforms yesterday. Actually, they just made some minor adjustments, but I like them all. For the first time since 1972 the road gray jersey will say Baltimore instead of Orioles across the front. They also fixed the bird logo so it now looks more like an Oriole and less like a duck. Of course, unless the new unis are some sort of sci-fi exoskeletons that make the players more talented we are still looking at a well-dressed last place team.

*Due to a wacky cable situation I don't get Comcast SportsNet so I've only been able to watch three Caps' games this year. They have won all three so maybe I better fix my cable situation.

*Finally, I've decided that my infant daughter is like Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. "Oh daddy, this onesie you have put on me is very nice. Yes, nice enough...for me to poop on."


  1. Isn't it funny how Punch Buggy has survived? B and A love that game too, but oddly enough, B only cares about finding the old bugs. Its amazing how many of them are still on the road.

    nice analogy of the O's uniforms, but they are kinda cool.

  2. i think having a kid has only made you funnier which is a very scary thought Bryan's still rule despite Im left to conquer the eastern shore on my own

  3. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Eh, don't be so quick to dismiss the new uniforms: Devil Rays -> Rays = worst -> first. Maybe this portends great things for the Birds!!

    A poopy baby is a happy girl!!

  4. Have you ever watched "Bill Cosby, Himself"? His portion on fatherhood was hilarious. The baby pooh comments keep making me think of it.

  5. Ink- I have, many years ago. Very funny.

  6. Karen-so far we have been blessed with a very happy girl.
