Sunday, November 02, 2008

Welcome Back, John McCain.

Like my last couple posts about the election I am not arguing policy here. I was happy to see the funny, likable John McCain show up on SNL last night. He was able to poke fun at himself and his running mate. Had he acted like this instead of a surly, cantankerous liar throughout the general election campaign he might be a lot closer in the polls. (Not that those are locks; it will not shock me if McCain pulls the upset Tuesday.)

As entertaining as I found McCain's opening bit (which, of course, owed more to the writers and Tina Fey than to McCain) I think there was more than a kernel of truth in his Weekend Update bit. He was talking about radical strategy shifts in the face of flagging polls. The startegies had funny names like "The Reverse Maverick" and "The Double Maverick". The one that is probably more true than even McCain would like to admit was called "The Sad Grandpa": "C'mon, Obama's got plenty of chances to be president. When is it gonna be my turn?" Kinda sums it up doesn't it?

One other election note: My favorite statistic of the election season- When the Redskins win their last home game before the election, the incumbent party wins. When the Redskins lose that last home game, the incumbents lose. Bottom line, if you put Country First (gag!) root for the Skins. Ready for Change(yeah right!)? Root for the Steelers. Put's my wife in a bit of a pickle.


  1. I thought McCain was pretty funny, but Ben Affleck doing Keith Olberman had me in fits of laughter! It was spot on.

  2. agreed-loved his facial expressions

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    No pickle here. I know who I'm voting for and who I'm rooting for and they are both going to win!

  4. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Affleck/Olberman was great. the scary thing is, that IS what I see when I watch Olberman...

    McCain on SNL has never looked like anything but old and out of touch to me. I mean, the Palin in 2012 shirts were funny, but I can't help but think he didn't understand how much that might undercut any credibility in his campaign... or am I taking it all too seriously?

  5. St4rbux- there is always the chance that, no matter who you are, that it can backfire going on SNL. Essentially, McCain stood there and had his campaign mocked to his face. Still funny though, I thought.

  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Well then I guess this seals an Obama victory then, no?
