Thursday, April 30, 2009

Caps, Beard Soldier On.

I honestly haven't been able to put together a cohesive post regarding the Caps' huge win over the Rangers on Tuesday. As a long suffering Caps fan it was almost too much to digest. I am shocked, elated, surprised and generally stunned that the Caps completed the trip back from being down three games to one. It's almost enough to drive the pessimist out of me. (yeah, right) I'll try to write something that makes sense in the coming days; until then enjoy this beautiful photo of my playoff peach fuzz. As you can see, it remains quite sad. Even sadder-this is the fullest, most robust beard I've ever grown. Ready for ZZ Top, I am not.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    going to a job interview i had to exlain that the beard was for the caps playoff run...
    which means i did not shave for the occasion. it's in full blown glory right now.

  2. That is the main reason that I have not did not grow a beard this year, but it's not like it matters, I could offer to work for free and I don't think anyone will hire. I must smell like onions.

    B- you gotta keep that mustasche or else you're a dousche. It might be the only thing manly about you. These guys might even let you join their club.

    I thought lundquist was the goalie to beat this year, he looked good going into the playoffs and I thought he'd be the difference in making the Rags the darkhorse team. But, you wouldn't know that would you Bryan? Call me and say "Wanna talk picks man, oh wait I'll call you back." When are gonna cal back...draft day. Oh, you've got time for yer silly little posts about this and that, but mostly that. About yer baby face growin some fuzz and the swine flu, but you can't call yer buddy back with yer picks.

  3. karen9:35 PM

    Eh, I dunno, I think it's pretty respectable!

  4. Robo, you couldn't be more right. I apologize. I didn't call back because I heard a media report that the swine flu was transmittable via phone lines. Not calling Texas right now. As for the picks-here's what I wrote down before the first round began:
    Caps over Rangers in 7
    Pens over Flyers in 5
    Bruins over Habs in 4
    Canes over Devils in 7
    Canucks over Blues in 4
    Red Wings over Jackets in 4
    Hawks over Flames in 6
    Ducks over Sharks in 6

    wow I must be some sort of seer

  5. B - in all honesty, it isn't the new beard that catches my eye, it's my ORIOLES T-Shirt!

    Long live the O's!
