Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"The Pig Is a Filthy Animal"

I guess Jules from Pulp Fiction was right to not "dig on swine". The swine flu was pretty easy to ignore when it popped up in Elsewhere, USA. Now that a couple of probable cases have been discovered in Anne Arundel County, however, the hypochondria in me has slipped into overdrive. I know, logically, that if I take the same precautions as I would during a normal cold and flu season that I should be fine. Unfortunately, the hypochondriac doesn't think logically. With the evening news barking in my ear, I'll wonder which of the people I pass in the grocery store is about to give me this new influenza bug. Truthfully, I'm far more worried about Grace than myself. I'd hate for her to be exposed, but a bubble doesn't seem very practical. Do they make Popemobile strollers?


  1. I'm totally with you, dude.

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    that's why i only eat a royale with cheese....and of course a tasty beverage with which to wash it down

  3. big kahuna burgers for everyone!

  4. What makes it scary is that the people its killed were supposedly our age and healthy, not the extremely young, old, and sick as this type of thing usually does. Living this close to Mexico and having so much cross border traffic moving around here, the anxiety levels are really kicked up. No one lets on, but there seems to be a little edginess in the air. We've had several schools close down and all extra-caricular activities have been canceled through Mid-May.
