Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rejected Halloween Costume.

I'm sure this will not be the last, but I have had my first halloween costume for Grace vetoed by the wife. I thought we should dress Grace like the creature from Alien and then I would wear her in the Baby Bjorn which would be decorated so it looked like she was bursting from my gut just like the movie. Oh well, back to the drawing board.


  1. Jon and I think that would be a fantastic costume. To quote my husband, "Why else do you have kids but to do the alien popping out of the stomach? Come on!"
    Classy, right? I know. That's how we roll.

  2. Then she'll have to go for this one...same basic idea, keep her strapped to your chest, cover her in oil (vegatable, baby,etc), and keep her under a trenchcoat. Every once in a while kinda zone out and open it up and crypticly mumble "Quaid, start the reactor."

  3. Robo-that's even better. I have some others too (all likely to be vetoed) that I'll reveal between now and halloween.
