Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We Now Return To Regularly Scheduled Programming.

Okay, so that was a much longer hiatus than I anticipated. I haven't blogged since early June because it has been a very busy summer. Since Memorial Day I have: moved (twice, technically), started working at the Big Green Bookstore again (glad to be back working with my buds), stepped down as the Governor of Alaska (You Betcha!), sweated my Dad's five day hospital stay (he's fine), ignored my fantasy baseball team (sorry Warren), learned much (about myself and others), helped remodel our rental house(man, I hate painting), called the President a liar during a joint session of Congress, beamed proudly as Grace learned to crawl and pull herself up (she'll walk soon I think), worried mightily through her cleft surgery and recovery (she recovered great and hasn't missed a beat), memorized a half-dozen Elmo DVDs ("Read, read, read, read, Elmo's a pirate who loves to read."), was eliminated from the AL East race by September 1st (wait, that was the Orioles) and had reaffirmed for me what I already knew (that as long as I have Amanda and Grace, I have everything I need). Now that I've updated, how about a return to snarky, sarcastic, insignificant opinion and nonsense?

Even though I wasn't writing, I spent the summer observing, worrying, cheering, reading, complaining, fretting, watching TV, wallowing in pessimism...well, the usual. I have some notes, on paper and in my head, so hopefully I'll have some rapid fire posts out of the gate. Though, time management is not a strong suit of mine and available time seems ever dwindling. We'll see. Tonight I start with a short post-a few unimportant questions that have been nagging me lately.

Will landscape designers who plan layouts for business properties ever take into consideration how their shrubs/trees/hedges affect a driver's ability to see oncoming traffic? I'm tired of having my front end almost ripped off by a passing vehicle because I've had to inch out into the street to peer around an ill-placed hedge. Or maybe I should just stop going to the mall.

How did it take me this long to discover Chick-Fil-A's chicken mini breakfast sandwiches? A chicken nugget on soft, buttered roll that is the exact size of the opening of the barbecue sauce container, thereby making it perfect for dipping? Brilliant!

Why is it that while plaid shorts are deemed acceptable summer attire, plaid pants are considered ridiculous?

If Dan Brown writes a book, but there's nobody there to buy it, is it still the biggest release of the year?

Should I feel guilty if, while eating the aforementioned chicken mini, I pass a tractor trailer loaded with chickens stuffed into cages?

What will happen to all the Marvel themed rides at Universal Studios theme parks now that Disney has purchased Marvel for $4 billion? Coming in 2010-The Incredible Bulk roller coaster and Slider-man 3D thrill ride!

I understand being required to carry car insurance because I may harm someone else, but why must I be forced to carry health insurance? Of course I have coverage now, but if I was single and healthy I would consider skipping it (if given that option by our heavy-handed President.)


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    ok, to start...

    landscape designers...don't do lanscape plans. I do. There in lies the problem. A. I know wha they wil approve, which are the trees/shrubs they like, but B. Are not designed by a landacape arcktect. A few people spend the money to get it "right" but most want the approval...

    Um, who said plaid pants WEREN'T accpetable???? Giddyup, wear on.

    Passing the chicken truck is known as foreshadowing...or sometime de-ja-vu later on.

    enjoy, it all, especailly the fam!

  2. Brent, I knew you would have a comment about the pants. Love it.

  3. You should have health insurance for the same reason people should have car insurance.

    Because the emerganecy room is for exactly that...emergencies. Not people who choose to not have insurance and then when they get sick use the emergency room as a doctor, making it bad on people who actually do have an emergency. Thus making everyones bills increase to cover those that dont have insurance. Making us all suffer for those that dont have coverage.

    I have other things to add, but IM currently sitting in a hospital room, on free wifi listening in on a conversation between some doctors and nurses about how great it would be if they could concentrate on medicine and helping people as opposed to begging insurance companies to let them keep a patient in the hospital one more day because they actually do need to stay.

  4. Without health insurance, what would you do when your appendix bursts? Hope the hospital will take it out with your promise that you will pay down the road? Expect the hospital to eat the cost? Figure the government will cover it anyway? Spend the next 40 years paying off your emergency appendectomy? Or just leave your appendix in and let the pus fill your abdomen because you don't have the cash to pay upfront? Just one example, but I think everyone should make having health insurance a priority. Note: I don't have the answer to how to do it. I just think that's how it should be.

  5. Bryan, never before have I done anything on a blog site other than read everyone's inner most thoughts...but you have given me compelling reason to change my previous stance: and so here we go. In order of your nagging questions,
    -No, you're a menace on the road anyway...it's about capitalism, baby. This you know...if it was about SAFETY then our country wouldn't import contaminated children's toys.
    -Rodney Dangerfield has something to do with the plaid pants (see Caddyshack if you need reference).
    -Profoundly guilty & if you're eating 3 while that truck rolls by, well you're just plain going to hell.
    -Now you're just nit picking...
    -You need health insurance because you eat Chick-Fil-A mini breakfasts, MFer! DUH!!

    Love to you and the fam!

  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I realize I'm way late to the discussion, but why is the Gerbil mixing the issues of health insurance and emergency room visits? They have nothing to do with each other...

    People WITH insurance are just as likely to misuse the Emergency Room.

    And there is nothing stopping those WITHOUT insurance from going to a primary care physician (well, except for the high out-of-pocket fees).

    As for Karen, I won't argue with her... for obvious reasons.
