Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Coming Soon: Samuel L. Jackson in LIQUIDS ON A PLANE

I have been considering posting about the recent foiled terror plot and ensuing media carnival, but I don't think I can say it much better than Mr. Wolske has on his site. With rapid-fire posts the last few days he is hotter than a Dell Notebook battery. He also has linked to some interesting commentaries, so check out his site.

On the terror issue, to put it simply, we all need to calm down. It is imperative that we sift through the muck that the fear-cultivating media pours out to find the real info. Stay informed, take serious what needs to be taken seriously and above all, step away from the panic button.

On a related note: Keith Olberman ran an interesting story on last night's Countdown. It tries to make the case that since 9/11 the feds have repeatedly used terror threats and ensuing warnings to obscure or distract from Administration problems or bad news. Olberman makes clear that it is all circumstantial evidence, but the video is compelling. In these days of spin and obfuscation (by politicians, governments, athletes etc.) nothing should surprise us. On the Countdown page, click on Nexus of Politics and Terror. Draw your own conclusions.


wolske said...

thanks Bryan, but I really can't take much credit for the depth of my commentary on recent events -- I feel like I'm just banging the drum, trying to get more people to listen. if you want the real deal, much more articulately stated by a long time security practitioner, go to http://www.schneier.com/blog/ -- even though he's at the top of the game, his writing is very accessible; no need for a technical degree to understand his stuff. and he's got more good stuff today (everyday).

Anonymous said...

i know this is a serious post, but...hotter than a Dell notebook battery! BWAHAHAHA!