Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Fungus Among Us.

I don't think anyone would ever accuse me of being a tree-hugger, but I like to think of myself as a friend of the animals( and not in any "I was helping the sheep over the fence kind of way, you sickos.). I thought this Washington Post article about endangered frogs living in Panama was pretty neat. It reports on the massive conservation effort to save several species from a deadly fungus. But it also raises the ethical dilemmas of whether we should use extreme means to save the species and what we do with them once we do protect them.



Interresting article there Dr. Doolittle. Would've liked to had read more about the fungus's cause, range, etc. It's great to see people dedicated to saving even the tiniest of lives. In the end though, it's probably just another case of humans tampering with in a human soiled world.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a debate for WHO! Not. I think it is once again human emotional intervention over Darwinian natural selection. Also as Roberto said what about the additional information on the fungus itself. As stated in the article the prof's don't know about its life cycle let alone proper preventive measures.