You don't have to be Brit "Somebody, please take the stick out of my ass" Hume or Tim "I just ate an entire turkey" Russert to know that the '08 presidential race is over. With Oprah's endorsement of, and September fundraiser for, Barack Obama, this race is over. The Oprah Effect makes the next 15 months of campaigning irrelevant. (or as Killer's principal says, irrevelant). I've watched in awe as Oprah has catapulted bad to mediocre books to a seemingly permanent perch on the best seller list.
Now, obviously, I'm being sarcastic and ,obviously, presidential candidates are far different than books, but don't underestimate Oprah or the power she holds with her sheep. She has the power to tap into a group of people that may not regularly vote. If she really marshalled all of her forces she would have quite a platform from which to hypnotize, er, I mean promote. Of course, if Obama wants to really seal the deal, he'll not just attend her fundraiser, he'll invite her to join his ticket.
Ugh. Does this mean we can have the election now and get it all out of the way? I don't think I will make it to November. Of course, I would like to see if Fred Thompson will s#^t or get off the proverbial pot... Maybe we should just hold the election THIS November.
Oh God, here we go with Augrah again. "Mmmm, great conjunction, could be the begining, maybe the one knows."
I am now fully convinced that Obama is the Anti-Christ.
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