Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Start Saving For The Wedding."

Today has been a good day. Wait, let me rephrase because that was a gross understatement. Today has been an awesome, superfantastic, great day. Amanda had her level II ultrasound today which revealed, in glorious 4D imaging, that our daughter appears healthy and on track. That's right, I said daughter. We are having a girl and I am over the moon excited. We didn't care if it was a boy or girl, I was just ecstatic to see fingers, toes, four heart chambers, spinal cord. etc, etc. (Let me stop gushing. Screw that, I just found out we're having a daughter, I'll gush all I want.)

For weeks, Amanda and I have weighed whether we should find out the gender of the baby. We agreed that there are few surprises left in life, yet we are planner people and needed to know. We are also indecisive so sitting in the waiting room this morning we flipped a coin. Heads we'd find out, tails we wouldn't. Heads it was, so we found out. The Doc told me to start saving for the wedding. I asked that he let me get college paid for first. In truth, though, all the future worries can wait a little longer; today I can relax and thank God that we have a baby girl on the way.


erinbee said...

Congrats to the both of you!!

Be prepared for your life to take on a faint pepto bismol pink tint - as you will never have seen more pink things in all your life. Even if you don't buy a single one everyone else wants to see baby girls in pink.

Now the great name debate can begin!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay yay yay! That's true that there are so few surprises left in life; however, what difference does it make if the surprise is today or 20 weeks from now, right? I would have to know too--can't stand suspense! :)

Glad to hear everything looks good, and congratulations!

Angela said...

Sooooo happy for you guys! You will be wonderful parents and please enjoy all the special moments that are coming your way. Oh, I guess I can start buying PINK Redskins gear..Ha! Love Ya Guys.

Rob said...

That is so awesome, congrats on the great day. Its amazing how those ultrasounds have a way of making everything "real", you'll never forget the feelings you had the moment you first see little fingers and toes. We are so happy for you guys.

Anonymous said...

gush on, brother. gush on.


More like save up for that shotgun, because it won't take long for you to start worrying about boys.

Way to go guys! Boy or girl B, I'm just glad it's yours. And as for the don't need no stinkin' pink to tell it's a girl. We took an anti-pink stance real fast.

My favorite thing was the first time I heard Felix's heartbeat...the thought of that fishy shwow shwow shwow sound still brings tears to my eyes.

Great work you two, can't wait to see the three of you!

Anonymous said...

now i have to get married and have a boy to marry your daughter.....