Friday, April 10, 2009

Everybody Grow a Weirdo Beardo.

It's time for my annual exercise in futility:the playoff beard. Futile on one hand because the superstition has never helped the Caps advance beyond round one. Futile on the other hand because I can't grow a beard any better than your average eighth grader. But this year my ratty, patchy, peach fuzz could actually help people. The Caps are having a beard-a-thon to raise money for Capitals Charities. So good luck and happy growing! If you want to sponsor me go here .


Anonymous said...

ahhh beard time. i vow to be persistent this year no matter how bad they play and no matter how bad it looks....

Anonymous said...

B, you're going the build-a-beard route aren't you?

Can't do the beard this year as I'm trying, unsuccessfully, to get a job. But wait till you see the chops!