Sunday, February 04, 2007

Flashback to Discovery Zone

So who else spent their Friday workday cleaning up three separate puddles of vomit? Oh, am I the only one who had such good fortune? Being the manager on duty has certain perks; this wasn't one of them. Once the rest of the staff informed me that if they had to clean it up there would be even more puddles, I grabbed the plastic gloves and dove in. The real bitch of it was that the first puddle was ten paces inside the front door. The puking perpertrator then apparently (I say apparently because we never figured out who did it) decided that instead of turning around and running outside they would cross the entire store in an attempt to reach the bathroom. Hence puddles two and three.

After sopping up the wet stuff there remained some, not to be gross(Oh, who am I kidding of course I'm trying to be gross.) chunks that required further attention. We all had a good laugh as I strapped on the jetpack-looking backpack vac and finished the job. One guy remarked that I looked like a Ghostbuster. I then brought the house down by quoting the incomparable Ray Parker Jr and telling everyone that indeed "Bustin' makes me feel good." Digital pictures were taken of me in my Ghostbuster garb; if they still exist I'll try to get them posted here. Now I'm off to wash my hands for the hundredth time in the last two days.

1 comment:


Did the puddles smell of hot dogs or cheeses pizza? Were the "chunks" actually pieces of partially digested franks, still oozing of oils and grease? How long did you hide in the ball wash?