Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Worth A Look.

I just finished reading Paul Reickhoff's "Chasing Ghosts" and I suggest anyone interested in the Iraq War and the state of our nation's foreign policy check it out. Reickhoff was a National Guard Reserve platoon leader that landed in Baghdad in Spring 2003. Reickhoff isn't the most humble guy,but he does point out the many flaws of the invasion and the complete lack of forethought that went into post-invasion complications. Poor planning, old, broken down equipment and out of touch commanders made an already dangerous mission that much more so for Reickhoff and his men. The book also lends great insight into the Iraqi civilians who were put in a precarious situation by our invasion. (These same civilians that today Ann Coulter basically called expendable when, on "Hardball with Chris Matthews", she suggested that a less clean war disregarding collateral damage in Iraq would break the spirit of the enemy.) You can find a few more details and reviews of the book here . It's not the greatest read ever, but it does put you on the ground in the middle of this blunder.


Anonymous said...

Just for laughs have you considered reading an opossing viewpoint? There have been plenty and also by boots on the ground people. Just a thought

Historical Wit said...

Reickhoff's book is a good look at the months after the initial invasion. I actually swapped a few emails with they guy and I have to say he's got his heart in the right place for what he is doing with his foundation for Iraq vets. More power to the guy.

As for another view point of the war, take a pick. So many talking heads out there, its hard to know who know's their stuff. I prefer to look at the theater of terrorism and not try to tie it all down in Iraq. If you do that, you leave out the history of why terrroism is the number one choice to fight a war for these 4th generation warfare fallouts. Ultimatly there is to much dissention in the military. That is a fatal flaw. All of the military needs to be on point for this type of mission and until that happens, we will have quagmire. That falls on the JCS. If the POTUS wanted change, thats where it starts. But I like Pace and think he should stay. For what he was handed, he's done a good job.